Mistakes that Sabotage Success Let’s look at a typical day for most Americans so we can see where the problems begin and how they work to sabotage your nutritional goals. As you read through them see if you recognize yourself and where you can begin to make changes that can make your nutrition work for...Read More
In honor of Randy Simmons, 51, a 27 year LAPD veteran and SWAT team member who was killed February 6 in the line of duty. WOD 75# power snatch, 75 reps for TimeRead More
Strength Bench – Work up to 3 rep max (12 Min) WOD 15 min AMRAP 300m Row 15 Box Jumps (24/20) 15 Toe to Bar Post WOD Finisher 3 Supersets Weighted Dips x5 GHR x 10Read More
Strength Deadlift – 12 min to work up to a 5 rep max G2 Push-ups 3×6 WOD 21-15-9 “Rise and Shine” Split Squat each leg (50/30) Pull Ups KB Snatch each arm (50/30) ...Read More
Welcome to Mettle Fitness, home of Bronzeville CrossFit. Come join the revolution and get fit beyond your wildest expectation. Also, don’t forget March 2nd is our Grand Opening Party so come out and enjoy the festivities as we celebrate fitness and a healthy lifestyle. To get started with a free intro-session click here or call...Read More